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Ravens Roost 138
Bull and Oyster Roast
April 6, 2024
7 PM - 11 PM

We KNEW you didn't get enough to eat at the Council Bull and Oyster Roast, what with all the music, comradery and auctions going on.  As a result, we gave you another chance to get even!


For a few measly bucks, you were able to get all you could drink and eat at our annual Bull and Oyster Roast held at the Lodge!


We may not have had Poe, cheerleaders, or any retired players for you to hang out with like the Council did, but the turnout was pretty much everything we wanted. Maybe that’s because of Monaghan’s great food. Maybe it was the draw of a live band. Or maybe it was the camaraderie of our much larger Roost membership this year.


I’m thinking it was all of the above.


The place was absolutely rocked by the sounds of Jill Black and the Panic Attack. They played some excellent music, and they played it all night. At one point, they even blew out the lights!!!!




You just can’t get that much energy from ANY DJ. A sincere “tip of the hat” to Jill and her band for helping make this annual outing a success.

This was Jill's first visit with us and, given your overwhelming approval, it won't be her last.


Speaking of money (which we always are), most of you brought some extra cash.  There was a money wheel and plenty of prize boards available. Since this was all for charity, we needed you to open your hearts and your wallet/pocketbook, which you certainly did. 



Add in two birthday celebrations and then Captain Dee-Fense, and you’ve got yourself a memorable night.


Say “Good Night”, Larry.



Check out the photos from this event in the scrolling window above. 

Additional fun photos can be found under the Photo Gallery Tab.


Council of Baltimore Ravens Roosts Annual Convention
Ocean City, MD 
May 30 - June 2, 2024

Hopefully you took the opportunity to join with other members of the Ravens Universe and attend this, the 60th Anniversary of the Council's landmark event of the year. History did repeat itself (with respect to the weather, at least), and it was a beautiful week at Ocean City.  I'm told that there were plenty of fun things to do, beverages to drink, fun in the sun, and a great parade on Baltimore Avenue. 


Unfortunately, due to the recent transfer of ownership of the hotel the Ravens organization uses, there were NO Ravens players there this year. 




What a bummer!


As a result, the overall attendance was noticeably lower than it normally is - even OUR Roost had very limited participation this year.


I'm certain, however, that will be different in June, 2025. 


Go ahead, prove me right.


I won't be able to show you photos of our members at Ocean City this year. 

I keep asking the OC Police for them, but they keep telling me that they can't release any photos of our people because of their on-going investigation.


I'm NOT surprised!  


Ravens Roost 138
Annual Election of Officers
and Board Members
June 19, 2024
7 PM

Congratulations to our newly elected, 2024-2025 Roost 138 Officers and Board of Director members.


The following Roost members were elected to serve in the positions indicated below during our June meeting:


PRESIDENT: Larry Propf


TREASURE: Tim McGarvey

SECRETARY: Chris Hartge

SERGEANT AT ARMS: Phil ("Pete") Bryan

BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Roslyn Ward-Crowder, Will Latvanas, Robert ("Doc") Gregory, Jean Beal, and Rick Hull


The entire membership thanks you for your unselfish commitment to guide us through this next year (and beyond?)

Catonsville Parade
July 4, 2024


Finally, time to replace those ropes and sit your but in one of the chairs that you smartly left out along Frederick Road a few weeks prior to this fun-time summer event.   As expected, Mother Nature gave us another sweltering hot day on which to celebrate our Country's birthday!  Ravens Roost 138 members and more than a couple of other Marylanders were there, lining the streets (and bars) again in downtown Catonsville to partake of these local holiday festivities. 


Our Roost's banner was proudly displayed by one of the high school marching bands that participated in the parade.    


Meetings for our Ravens Roost occur the third Wednesday of the month at 6:30 PM at Monaghan's Pub in Gwynn Oak Maryland. 
We follow Baltimore County requirements - Masks are not required
We already picked up a few new members this year, but we can always use more.  Hope to see you there!
Third Annual
Ravens Roost 138 Tailgate Party 
October 6, 2024
9AM - Noon



We had such a great time doing this the last two years that we just had to do it again!


Please get there early! You'll want to make time for a cornhole match or two.


Those of you who are inclined to do so, please feel free to bring something like deserts, salads or snacks to share with your fellow Roostmates.


Grillin' by the world-renowned Hull Brothers will start just after 9 and will wrap up around 11 or so.


Don't be late or I might just take your burger.  And your cheese.

October 1 - 30

Year after year, Ravens Roost 138 has been stepping up to meet one of the greatest challenges known to humankind:




You know what I'm talking about.


We're going to need your help again if we are to continue this quest.

New socks are reportedly THE most requested item at homeless shelters throughout Baltimore.


Donations can be left in the Drop Box at Monaghan's Pub anytime from October 1st though October 31st.  Alternatively, your donation of new socks (men's, woman's and children's) can be given to any Ravens Roost 138 member.


Through your collective efforts and generosity, we were able to donate 4 huge bags of socks last year, but we really want to beat that in 2024.

Please do whatever you can.  It will be greatly appreciated.


All donated socks will be delivered to the needy individuals at some of our local shelters.

Charity Auction 
October 17, 2024

Come join Ravens Roost 138 members and all the other bar/restaurant patrons on this night at Monaghan's Pub for our Annual Charity Auction. 

Auction items will include, but will not be limited to: restaurant gift cards, golf items, sports memorabilia, and much more.


IF you are there, you can also witness the drawing for our Scratch Off Ticket Raffle! 

This raffle is NEW this year.

Raffle tickets are sold separately and, if not sold out already, will be available up to the start of the auction.


This auction is one of the more lucrative money-making activities that we hold each year.

Please come prepared to spend some money and pick up some cool merch! 

You'll be glad you did. 


Proceeds benefit our local charities.

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