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Charity Award Night - January 19, 2022


This was one great night!  The meeting room was packed to the gills with Roost members and charitable organization representatives.  As Meatloaf (R.I.P. Meat) might have said, "8 out of 9 ain't bad".  Only Marlo Thomas was missing.


Her loss.


Overall, our Roost handed out another $9,000 to the charitable organizations we selected for this year.


Our Roost has now donated over $70,000 to date, and we have plans to do a lot more yet.  This money came from a combination of direct donations made by our Roost members, proceeds from our various 50-50 raffles, revenue from our annual Bull and Oyster Roast (coming up again this April), and our very successful annual Charity Auctions held in December. 


Thanks to all of you who helped us accumulate these funds - without you, our Roost would have no reason to exist. 


Pictures are available under the HOME TAB of this website.

First Of The Year GoVAX Clinic
January 23, 2022
12:00 Noon - 4:00PM

Woodlawn Community Center located at 2131 Woodlawn Drive, Baltimore MD 21207


Ravens Roost 138, Monaghan's Pub, VALUE Baltimore, and the State of Maryland partnered yet again for our first sponsored vaccine clinic of the new year.


Pfizer, Moderna, and J&J vaccines and boosters were again available to Baltimore City and County adults and children ages 5-11 years. COVID PCR Testing was also performed at this Clinic.


Our last GoVAX Clinic in December helped 61 people stay safer.  We vaccinated another 21 individuals (14 adults and 7 children) at this latest Clinic. Seven additional individuals asked to be tested.


We're slowly getting there, but we obviously have a long way to go yet. 


We'll be sponsoring our next GoVAX Clinic at the Woodlawn Community Center on February 20th.

​3 Digit Evening Lottery
January 2022


If you needed extra cash, enjoy playing the lottery, and/or wanted to help local charities, then you DID pick up some of these lottery chances.  Thanks a million to you, from all of us at Ravens Roost 138!


If you, for some unknown reason, didn't get in on this opportunity to help our local charities (and yourself at the same time), then shame on you.


Maybe next year.


A number of you who DID pick up one or more of these 1,000 tickets are now very glad that they did.  Overall, we handed out $1,600 in prizes under this campaign.  The $3,400 balance of money collected from the sale of these ticket will be going out to the charitable organizations selected at the end of 2022.   Either way, thank you for your donations. 


And CONGRATULATIONS again to our January winners!



Council Bull & Oyster Roast

Martin's West

6817 Dogwood Road, Baltimore, Maryland

February 12, 20227:00 PM - 11:00 PM


Many of you joined our other Ravens Roost 138 members at the Council's premiere event of the year!  We ended up buying only 3 tables for this event, and not the four that I had hoped for. 


Oh, well.  At least those who did go had a great time.


In addition to the great food and music by Oracle, a number of you reportedly also brought some extra money to participate in the money wheels and auctions.  Some great stuff was up for sale.  Hopefully you were able to score some for yourself.


Ex-player Qadry Ismail was there, showing his true Ravens colors by posing for photos with probably 100 different Ravens fans.  That's the Ravens spirit, Qadry!


Ravens #1 Super Fan Captain Dee-Fense was also there as you can see from the scrolling photo above that our Roost member Lynn finally agreed to have taken with him.  The photo-bomber's identity remains unknown.


GoVax Clinic #5
February 20, 2022
Woodlawn Community Center
2131 Woodlawn Drive, Baltimore MD 21207

12:00 Noon - 4:00PM

Ravens Roost 138 again partnered with VALUE Baltimore, Monaghan's Pub, and the State of Maryland in the continuing effort to keep the residents of Baltimore County and City safe.  Overall, another 13 adults and 3 additional children are now better off than they were when they woke up that Sunday morning.  Testing, may, however, have lost some its interest, as only 1 person signed up for a Covid PCR Test.

Hopefully, you or someone you know was able to participate in getting your next/last vaccination or booster at this Clinic.  If not, we are planning ONE MORE to be held at the same place and time on Sunday, March 20th.  You should put it on your calendar now before you forget.

PLEASE consider attending.  We'd love to see you there!
Our Final GoVax Clinic Sponsorship
March 20, 2022
Woodlawn Community Center
2131 Woodlawn Drive, Baltimore MD 21207

12:00 Noon - 4:00PM

Well, it's now over.  Our FINAL GOVAX CLINIC of 2022 was held on March 20th.  

If you wanted to catch up on the vaccinations for you and your family members, hopefully you did so at the Woodlawn Community Center on Sunday.  

Under the sponsorship of Ravens Roost 138 and Monaghan's Pub, there had been 128 vaccinations and boosters administered at the Center prior to this final Clinic. Ten additional individuals had also applied for Covid PCR Testing prior to this outing.

An additional 2 boosters and 5 PCR tests were administered on March 20th, for a grand total of 130 vaccinations and boosters, plus 15 PCR Tests given at this location. 

Overall, not too bad, we think.

As a final update, we are pleased to inform you that Baltimore City has finally reached its goal of an 80% fully vaccinated population.  Thanks to all those who helped the City achieve their target!
Polar Bear Plunge
MARCH 26, 2022
9:00AM - 5:00PM
Well, we didn't get to do this in person last year, and while this COVID 19 thing is still with us, we're slowly adjusting to it.  Even though the world is not yet back to normal, IT WAS ON AGAIN IN 2022!

Many of you joined Ravens Roost 138 and all of our other sister roosts on the beach at Sandy Point State Park for the 25th Annual Maryland State Police Polar Bear Plunge.  While it's now too late to join us in our plunging, it's NEVER too late to contribute.   You can still donate to an existing RR 138 Plunge Team Member by clicking on this THIS LINK and then following the instructions.


Our FOUR DEDICATED RR138 PLUNGERS have collected $2,186 in donations from their admiring public (me included)!  Not too shabby, huh?


The Ravens Roost 138 Plunge Team Captain, Will Latvanas, again led the way with repeat Plungers Kelli, Jean, and Christine promising to follow him into the slightly cold water again this year.  As expected, the water WAS warmer on this day at the end of March than it was at the start of February 2020.  Easy for ME to say from the warmth of my den, right?


Proceeds from this popular event go to the Maryland Special Olympics.  There are currently 6,102 great athletes here in Maryland that will benefit from your donation.


Check out our photos from this annual shiver-fest in the scrolling window on our Home Page!

Annual Bull & Oyster Roast
April 2, 2022
7:00PM - 11:00PM

Final gasp of a terrible pandemic?  Possible beginnings of a nuclear war?  Waiting for over 6 months for that new car because of some tiny chip?  Gas prices through the roof?


It’s terrible out there right now.


But on this night, between these 4 walls, we were partying like it’s 1999! (Thanks, Prince).  Inside The Lodge, things were absolutely PERFECT! 


OUT THERE hamburger may cost $7 a pound, but IN HERE, we got all the drink you could drink and all the great food you could eat for only $60.  Catered by the great people at Monaghan’s Pub, of course. 


Pretty much EVERYBODY was walking around with a bottle that they had won on the money wheel or as a door prize – except me.  For the adventurous there were 50/50 raffles after 50/50 raffles after 50/50 raffles, each involving some serious take-home cash.


Then there were those memorable moments sprinkled all throughout the evening.  Like when our favorite bartender Janice coaxed Buffalo Tony out onto the dance floor; watching the oyster shucker busting some moves when there was no one in his line; seeing Phil/Pete actually working; catching Jack out on the dance floor (just joking - that one didn’t actually happen). 


The most memorable moment, however, had to be watching Brenda dancing to Rock Around The Clock.  That was FANTASTIC!  Our entire Roost thanks you, “Ms. B”, for that momentary flashback to those better days in 1965.  You did Bill Haley and the Comets proud.


The results are now in.  We cleared $3,030 overall on this evening. 


Our deepest appreciation to all those who contributed door prizes, spent their hard-earned money for tickets, and then came out to party with us.  You’re the greatest!


You can bet that we’ll be doing this again next year.


Check out our photos from this outstanding event under the PHOTO GALLERY TAB above.

Ravens Council bannerTop.jpg
Council of Baltimore Ravens Roosts Convention
Ocean City, MD 
June 2nd - June 6th, 2022


Hopefully you found the time to join your  fellow RR138 members and the rest of the Ravens world at this, the Council's landmark event of the year. There were plenty of fun things to do, beverages to drink, fun in the sun, and a great parade on Baltimore Avenue.



There were only a few photos suitable to show from this event - you can find them under the PHOTO GALLERY Tab above.


If you weren't able to attend this year, you should put it on your calendar for 2023 now. 

Better late than never!

USA Flag
Catonsville Parade - July 4, 2022

What GREAT weather we had for this year's celebration of our Country's birthday!  Many Roost 138 members and over 1/2 of all other Maryland residents gathered again in downtown Catonsville on this beautiful summer's day to partake of these local holiday festivities.  Although we didn't have a float to enter again this year, our Ravens Roost 138 banner was prominently displayed as a sponsor of this annual event.  Check it out in the scrolling window on our HOME page. 


Now that it's over, you really should remove your lawn chairs and favorite rope from along Frederick Road.  You wouldn't want the DPW to pick them up.  But make sure you store them in a place where you can find them.  You'll need them again sometime around mid-June of 2023.


First Annual Members Tailgate Party
October 16, 2022
9AM to Noon

What a great time we all had at this, our First Annual Members Tailgate Party!.  The day started out a little chilly, but once the sun came up, flocks of Roost members and their guests showed up and it was PARTY ON! 


I personally didn't think that many people would want to eat hamburgers and hot dogs at 9 or 10AM, but boy, was I wrong.  Maybe it was the music being streamed in the parking lot, or maybe it was whatever Lynn put in those brownies,  I still don't know for sure (but I've got my suspicions.)


Thanks a bunch to all the members of the Tailgate Set-Up Committee, and an extra  special hats off to Rick, our gourmet chef for the day.

Annual Charity Auction Night
October 25, 2022
7:00PM - 11:00PM


Hopefully you were able to join us at Monaghan's Pub for our Annual Charity Auction Night.  The list of items that went up for bids was long and varied as usual.



"Hats Off" to all the great Ravens Roost 138 members and their friends who saw fit to donate items to and/or purchase items from this auction - and that includes all of the vendors that dig deep to provide some valuable merch in support of our cause every year!!!!!! 


When the final hammer fell, we had cleared well over $6,200 on this night.


Maybe you didn't have a chance to attend? 


Never fear. 


You will have a SECOND CHANCE on all unsold items and probably a few new additions to boot!  We're presently planning to hold a Silent Auction for these items on December 11th.  Stay tuned.....

October 1 - 31

Our inaugural year was so much fun that we just HAD to do this again.  Plus, we didn't cover every cold foot at every local shelter during our initial campaign.  We contributed socks to a total of 5 different shelters in 2021, but there were still a lot more people and shelters yet to go. 


We needed to go back to the well again. 


The Drop Box was, as usual, located at Monaghan's Pub.  We needed socks for men, woman, and sadly, even kids.


Our first sock delivery of 2022 was to the Baltimore County Westside Men's Shelter, and our second and third deliveries went to the Childrens Home located in Catonsville. 


While THIS particular Roost 138 campaign is over now, it's never too late for you to help make a difference in the lives of a lot of men, women and children. Any shelter can use socks.  Find one in your neighborhood and you, too, can make a difference. 


Our Roost is not done with this pressing need.  As I understand it from my calendar, there's another October scheduled for 2023 as well.  Our Roost will be back at it again.

​Marine Toys For Tots Toy Drive
November, 2022


Some people put out cookies and milk for Santa.  We're going to do a whole lot better than that!


On Monday, October 31st, a giant Toys For Tots box magically appeared at Monaghan's Pub.  Just as magically, this box was then filled, then refilled, and then refilled again all throughout the month of November and early December.  In fact, our last of three toy drops was completed by Elf Lynn on December 11th. That completed the donation of our TEN BIG BAGS of toys collected from you for the kids. 


You are now OUT OF TIME for this year's giving.  We got to the point where we couldn't wait any longer.


All of these new, unwrapped toys have been gathered, bagged up, and carefully hand delivered to Santa's Workshop by one or more of our Roost's Elves. 


Santa will have to handle the actual deliveries to all the kids - that's a union job.


Don't forget - you can track Santa on his toy delivery mission on the NORAD website.


Silent Auction
December 11, 2022
1:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Just like we promised, we didn't forget those who weren't able to make it to our Charity Auction in October.  For you, we held our Second Chance Silent Auction on this afternoon, coincident with our trouncing of the Pittsburgh Steelers. 


There was a LOT of merch up for grabs again, and most of it was claimed by one lucky fan or another.   When the smoke cleared, there wasn't very much left.  That's good news, because all that money will be needed for our Charitable Donation Night in January. Overall, we collected approximately $6,500 from these two auctions in total.


Thanks again to all those who saw fit to bid on these items.  You're the greatest!!!

Roost 138
Annual Holiday Gathering
December 21, 2022
7:30 PM

Pretty much everybody who attended our regular monthly meeting hung out when it was adjourned to break bread with their fellow Roost members. 


Good times and good food.  What's more important this time of year?




2022 Roost News

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